Instructor James Flarakos
James Flarakos

Student Registered

Google AdSense Course

Learn how to get your website ready to be google AdSense approved and then go through step by step the process of approving your site to serve ads with AdSense. This includes applying to AdSense, getting your site ready for AdSense and once approved. We go through how to best show your ads and different ad loading methods.

Learn google adsesnse

What Can You Learn In This Course?

  1. Preparing your site to be approved.
  2. How to apply for Google AdSense.
  3. How to connect your site with AdSense.
  4. How To Insert Ad's on your site.
  5. Tips and Tricks to Serve Ad's

Why Monetize Your Site?

If you get traffic to your site and you don't have a monetization model, you're missing out on some serious income. Google ads is a safe way to show advertisements that have been paid for by people using Google Ad's to advertise their own business.

 By displaying and advertising these other companies on your site you can earn money by sending your visitors there. The ads and categories you show are customizable to give you a personalised ad experience that suits your visitors. This also connects up with your cookie plugins to show the best ads for the customers depending on their preference.

Getting Your Site Ready For AdSense

free google adsense course


  • Making sure you are getting the right traffic.
  • Analysing your pages and posts.
  • Checking your site navigation.
  • Site ownership.
  • Quality of content.

What Can You Do With Google AdSense?

Once connected you get many resources and tools you can use to help your site grow. This includes linking your google analytics and search console. Giving you a great idea of ranking keywords, search terms and more. 

You also get a full dashboard to track your earnings including more specifically by location, gender and more options to track what is making the most earnings. As well as this you can block and review all the ads to make sure only the categories you want, will show on your site.

Annalise Your Earnings.

​​Add Multiple Sites To Your AdSense Account.

multiple adsense sites on account

​​Review What Ad's To Show

review ads to show on site

​​Content Blocking & Moderating Control

content blocking control adsense

Course Outline

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
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