Top 10 Transferable Skills You Need to Get Online Jobs
A remote work job offers so many benefits, like no commute and no dress code. You gain more independence as a professional, make your own schedule and can live wherever you want. That said, not everyone can work from home successfully — at least right off the bat. These jobs require patience, dedication and a few special abilities, from organization to communication.
It’s essential to nail down these remote work skills so you can get a job online.
Here are a few skills and traits employers may want to see to help you find and succeed in an online job
1. Time Management
At a regular office-based position, you probably don’t have the luxury to complete tasks as you wish. You face deadlines, but when your boss sits three desks down, it’s not the best move to arrive 30 minutes late. You won’t always be able to follow your own schedule as a remote worker, but you’ll undoubtedly experience more flexibility. As a result, time management matters.
It’s up to you to wake up at a particular time, submit specific projects as they’re due and wrap up each assignment before 5 p.m. If you can convey that you know how to budget time efficiently, recruiters won’t hesitate to reach out. As every little help, it might be advisable to improve your time and work management through use of these recommended life management apps.
2. Communication
When it comes to work-from-home job skills, communication remains a necessity. If you can’t talk to your project manager when there’s a problem or walk through a presentation at a Zoom meeting, you may have some issues. It’s imperative to learn how to communicate with others properly. You shouldn’t hesitate to reach out to your co-workers — but it’s best not to micromanage, either. There’s a balance here.
You may also need to improve your email skills, too. When you work from home, your virtual communications have a more significant impact because you can’t see anyone physically. Highlight that you’re not afraid to ask questions or discuss project details.
3. Tech-Savviness
Of course, you need to be tech-savvy to get a job online. You should be able to operate a computer as well as any essential programs, like Microsoft Suite, Google Drive and even a virtual desktop, if required. Plus, you’ll need to make sure you have access to a mobile hotspot — just in case your WiFi is down or you’re working somewhere without a connection. Employers expect 70% of internet users to have hotspots within the next five years, so this is something you’ll need to become familiar with as a remote worker.
Additionally, most remote teams communicate through web chat or video conferencing platforms like Slack, Zoom or Google Meets, so it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with those. Your company may have an information technology (IT) department, but it’s not like they can walk down the hall to your office.
Do your best to learn about the basic technological features and top digital skills your potential online job requires. This way, you can impress recruiters and prepare for the position. To keep up-to-date with the latest technological developments, updates and changes, follow our top ClickDo Tech Blog regularly.
4. Organization
It’s always necessary to stay organized, primarily when you work from home.
Remember, there’s no one there to walk by your desk and remind you about that 1 p.m. call. You need to maintain a schedule to make sure you’re at the top of your game. Additionally, you should keep track of your daily tasks. When a client asks you about a file, can you find it and send it without problems?
The more organized you become, the more attractive you look to hiring companies, so inform yourself about organization tools and techniques before your interview.
5. Self-Discipline
When you work from home, it’s easy to find little distractions throughout your day. When you drive somewhere to pick up lunch, your neighbour wants to chat for 15 minutes. Your phone lights up, so you check every social media notification. Because you don’t have co-workers within your immediate space anymore, there’s no one to look over your shoulder — and you need to be accountable.
Often, self-discipline overlaps with time management. You need to make sure you stay away from disturbances so you can do your work. There are many ways in which you can create a quiet, designated work area for a more efficient focus. Interviewers like to hear that you have enough space to thrive.
6. Flexibility
When we least expect it, there’s always an urgent task that suddenly requires our attention. While you should prioritize a structured schedule, you should also leave room for those abrupt concerns. Similarly, because you’re at home, you have the chance to address personal emergencies quickly. While you can’t let these issues take up too much time, flexibility matters.
Feel free to establish boundaries with your friends and family so you can stay productive but still help when needed.
7. Self-Sufficiency
Most companies that offer remote work like to hire individuals who demonstrate that they’re self-reliant. Can you complete your job duties without too much direction? It’s never a bad idea to ask for help, but you should be able to make it through most of the workday on your own. Plus, it’s not like you can turn to the person next to you — if you need assistance, you’ll have to make a call or send an email.
When you apply to a work-from-home position, be sure to mention that you’re an independent, quick learner. Soft skills like self-sufficiency are just as important as technical expertise.
8. Openness
Ultimately, your life isn’t all about work — and supervisors love to know their employees as people. Plus, they aren’t always able to meet their workers in person because they work from home. That’s why it’s necessary to communicate about your interests and hobbies. Be as open as possible so you can build meaningful relationships.
Don’t be afraid to talk about your pursuits. “Tell me about yourself” tends to be a standard interview opener, so feel free to add some information about your life when you discuss your career.
9. Motivation
Most jobs look for motivated employees, whether they’re remote or not. You should have an urge to learn about your career field and seek ways to improve yourself. What can you do to become more knowledgeable? Do your best to display that you want to become involved within a potential company. Even if you work remotely, several organizations offer work-related programs you can explore.
Always show that you’re ready to strive for success — even when you can’t find the energy to work that day.
10. Balance
This skill relates to time management and organization. Without balance, work can feel super stressful — especially when you start to log in earlier and stay online later. If you spend too much of your day on errands or other personal tasks, you’ll have to make up that time. This routine creates a cycle that’s hard to break. Make sure to strive for balance when you get a job online.
If recruiters see that you can juggle life and work, that makes a difference. A decent boss should recognize that a balanced work environment creates better employees.
Use These Remote Work Skills to Land a New Role
Aside from a touched-up resume and cover letter, these work-from-home job skills can help you secure a terrific online role. Try to learn more about these abilities and find ways to incorporate them. Soon enough, you’ll get your foot in the door.
About the Author
Alyssa Abel is a college, career and lifestyle blogger who helps readers make the most of their education, their professional goals and their lives. Read more of her work on her blog, Syllabusy.