Best flexible online jobs to earn from home ideal for school leavers or part-time students
We are fortunate to live in a digital age where there are so many lucrative online jobs for young people and students that will set anyone on a successful career path. The question every school leaver should ask themselves is: “What is my dream job?” and “How do I want to lead my future life?”
There are increasingly more great online work opportunities that can steer your professional life in the direction you desire. You don’t need a colleague or a university degree to land any of these jobs, and you most likely have some of the skills for them already as a digital native—or you can always learn them.
Best flexible online jobs to earn from home
The following online jobs will be in high demand as worldwide nearly 60% of the world’s population were making use of the world wide web in 2019 and the trend indicates a future increase – so better be prepared for the digital revolution sooner rather than later.
Social Media Manager
We all spend valuable hours every day on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and the list goes on as constantly more social media platforms emerge. If you are used to getting comments, likes or have a strong audience, why not consider turning that into a source of income? Almost every business, brand and company use social media, and they most likely need help to manage it as social media marketing becomes increasingly complex.
Social media managers play a very crucial role in creating awareness for a brand or a company. They build communities for companies and engage them in conversations to encourage them to take an action—signing up to an email list or buying a product or service. The job is to be the online voice of the brand you are working for.
To get started, the first step is to try to Google digital marketing agencies and enquire if they need help handling their already existing clients or set up a profile on freelance job platforms such as Upwork or Fiverr and see if you receive any enquiries. Utilize your established social media profiles and join relevant groups, connect with business representatives or influencers to promote yourself and just simply put yourself out there.
Digital Marketing Manager
The need for experts in digital marketing has never been greater as more companies turn to the internet to generate sales. If you have thought about getting into digital marketing, now is the time. You do not need any degree in marketing, but some digital marketing training would help make it easier, especially if your experience is limited. The first step is to create your own digital marketing or personal blog or write and work for a digital marketing agency, know all about the latest trends, be creative, have a winning resume, create awareness for your services, learn all you need to about data analytics, and gather some experience.
As a digital marketing manager, you must be well versed in e-commerce and be up to date with the spontaneous changes in the digital marketplace.
Freelance Writer
Social media managers promote the contents that increase sales for a company, while a freelance writer creates this content. There is a high demand for writers now because companies want to keep up the long-term trust with their audience and to do so they need top quality articles, web content and storytelling. You shouldn’t worry about credentials, if you have good grammatical skills and a passion for writing, you can get started.
Freelance writing is a flexible way to make money as a student. You could write articles like this one, or even scripts for videos. Having your own blog can help you land clients faster by showcasing your skills; otherwise, you can get started as a freelance writer on freelancer job platforms like Upwork. However, incorporating SEO skills and SEO copywriting skills into your work as a writer puts you a step above your competitors.
The key to making money as a blogger is to write valuable content that would keep your audience intrigued and glued to your website. For instance, rather than writing a post about how your truffle ramen recipe turned out, you can title it “3 things you should know before cooking truffle ramen”. This is more interesting and helpful. You can read more about creating SEO friendly blog titles here.
To be successful as a blogger, choose a topic you are passionate about and focus on it. It’s better to concentrate on a small niche because you can’t always have a broad appeal. And once you are set, choose a good host for your blog(s).
Graphic Designer
All you need to make money as a graphic designer is the right set of tools and a keen eye for details. Upcoming and small businesses need appealing graphics for almost everything including logos, business cards and so on. Once you are ready to get started, reach out to businesses in your area and let them know what design services you offer and how these would create a new image for their brand. To promote your graphic design skills, set up an eye-catching blog yourself and list your freelancer website on directories.
Hopefully, some of these online jobs tickle your fancy, but if not, do not worry. Read our remote working jobs guide to find more online work opportunities that you can get involved with today.